Deal management is a procedure that involves analyzing, tracking and prioritizing your sales, no matter where they fall in your sales pipeline. It’s the process of communicating with your team and working together throughout the sales cycle to increase the quality and performance of your deals.
The first step in creating the process for managing deals is to make a document that defines your sales strategy and the steps by which each deal should be managed. This helps your team gain full pipeline visibility and automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks that reduce productivity.
Make sure that all deals are centralized in a place that you can follow their progress and evaluate their performance. Freshworks simplifies the process by creating a feed of all information that is related to the opportunity. You can add to-dos, track time spent on the deal, include people, and more from this view to get your team on the same team.
After you have established clear expectations and timelines for each stage of the deal process, you should create mutual action plans (MAPs) alongside your prospects and customers to ensure that both parties are on the same page in terms of what must be done and when it should be completed, and by whom. This results in more efficient and well-defined workflows that improves the odds of closing each deal successfully.
If a prospect is in the point of converting You don’t want to lose interest or get distracted by other activities. Even your least experienced representatives will be able confidently to lead by using a the help of a well-organized, centralized handoff system.