Finally, mention the interesting and important part of this event. If you say that you were a participant image source of the game, mention how you attended the game, how you did and your experience of the sporting event. We had to stay in line for about 45 minutes before we finally entered the stadium.
Although I’ve never previously been interested in cycling, some of my friends are, and with such a world-famous event happening on my doorstep I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out. In 2009, during my gap year in Australia, I went to the Australian Open tennis tournament. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life and I can still remember it like it was yesterday. The Australian Open or Aussie Open as the locals call it, is the first grand slam of the year and is held every January in Melbourne Park.
The blindfolded kid would try to catch someone while others would try to protect themselves but would not be able to go outside the circle. If the blindfolded kid can touch someone and can say his/her name, the blindfolded kid would get free and the other one who was touched would be blindfolded this time. This was the basic rules of the game and we used to play this game according to this rule. It was a club-level match between two old clubs in my hometown, and I used to play for one of these two clubs when I was a college student.
The last 3 balls were very exciting and the opponent team needed to score two in the last ball. With luck and the quality bowling of our bowler, we won the match. I thoroughly enjoyed the game and our winning increased this joy and happiness to a great extent. Sports like football, soccer, basketball, etc. are popular for people to watch more than play, although a lot of young people play them. But there are a lot more older people who love to watch their favorite team play but they don’t play the sport anymore themselves. Further, sports can be made more appealing to kids by encouraging a positive and enjoyable attitude and involving parents, which will foster a lifelong love of physical activity.
Since playing chess requires only placing the board on a surface and sitting position of the two participating players, it is convenient to play chess almost anywhere. I enjoy this game because I have a fascination for this game from my childhood and I really like the overall theme and barnstorming involved in this game. It’s a thought-provoking game that gives the participating players to use their brains. A player can apply his/her strategy, and then allure the opponent to fall into a trap which is much like a real battlefield. It’s not a game where someone would only use the physical movements rather the game requires a perfect game plan, finding weaknesses of the opponent and a battle strategy.
It’s an international collaboration investigating various Artificial Intelligence applications within the business sector. I’m not a great swimmer in any sense, but swimming is like my religion. It is truly refreshing and literally, washes away every disturbing thought I have whenever I dive into cold water. No matter how tight my schedule may get, I usually pay at least one visit to a local swimming pool to work myself up and get rejuvenated. Take a look at the Sports IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions to get an idea of what to expect in the actual exam.
Personally, I spend a lot of my time during the week sitting down in the lab or the office, so being able to get outside at the weekends and move around is good on so many levels. It keeps me healthy, active, and I feel energized after doing it. But they don’t get the same media attention or the number of spectators as sports like football. In the summer, people are generally happier and spend more time outside which is healthier – a lot better than being cooped up indoors all the time in winter. Personally, I like the summer best because it’s a lot more comfortable and there is less rain.